This post is the last installment of seven-part series called “The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing.” To read earlier posts, visit Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: Definitions, Part 3: Strategy, Part 4: The Tools, Part 5: The Skills or Part 6: Communicate! At the end of the day marketing is about making sales. In the words of advertising genius David Ogilvy, “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” So true. Marketing is about leads. It's about sales. It's about closing. To get serious Continue Reading
The Obvious Secret of Marketing: Communicate!
This post is the sixth section of seven-part series called “The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing.” To read the earlier posts, see Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: Definitions, Part 3: Strategy, Part 4: The Tools or Part 5: The Skills. Marketing is simple. It can seem mysterious and highly technical: Gurus talk a blue streak about the techniques they use. People scream from the rooftops about how you’re doing it wrong. Books upon books and blogs upon blogs make it seem like an immense Continue Reading
Rockin’ It Like a Pro: The Skills of Internet Marketing
This post is the fifth section of seven-part series called “The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing.” To read the earlier posts, see Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: Definitions, Part 3: Strategy or Part 4: The Tools. Let's face it: to market you gotsta have skillz. (I just said that.) But for realz (oh!), it's easy for someone to rattle off marketing strategies at you like they're giving you the steps for baking cookies: "Oh, just put up a blog on your website, set up your social media Continue Reading
Ninja School: Using Internet Marketing Tools Like a Master
This post is the fourth section of seven-part series called "The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing." To read the earlier posts, see Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: Definitions or Part 3: Strategy. Welcome, Grasshopper. We've been expecting you. Your training is about to begin. Follow me. (Massive oak doors slowly creak open, revealing a stone floor dimly lit by glowing torches lining the walls. Battle cries and the sounds of clashing weapons roll like waves off a crowd of black-clad Continue Reading
Making Awesome Marketing: My Advice to Business Owners
It’s funny. I sat down to explain simple steps business owners could follow to apply world-class marketing principles to their company...and was stumped. What do you say to a guy who’s already working his butt off and might not even get enough time with his family? How do you give him something else on top of his already-swamped schedule? Sorry, not going to happen. Yet at the same time, so often I see small business owners trying to do marketing as an afterthought. They’re Continue Reading