How to Take Over the World: The Secrets of Internet Marketing Strategy

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This post is the third section of seven-part series called "The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing." To read the earlier posts, see Part 1: Introduction and Part 2: Definitions. Warning: if you're not trying to take over the world, you may find this post boring. It's geared mainly for those obsessed, got-to-get-the-word-out types. If you're one of them, you know what I'm talking about. You have a business or a cause you're passionate about and want to spread the word far and wide. If this is Continue Reading

Finally! Internet Definitions You Can Understand

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Note: This post is the second section of a seven-part series called "The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing." Click here to read the first part of the series: Part 1: Introduction. The Internet is weird. Because it's constantly growing—added to every hour by millions of people all over the world—new words are always being invented to describe it. Trying to understand it is sort of a bizarre never-ending learning process. You're studying a subject which has terminology so new that much of it Continue Reading

The Fundamentals of Internet Marketing (Part 1)

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Internet marketing can be maddening. No, seriously frustrating. Like, OMG-blow-my-brains-out infuriating. It’s the kind of thing you can pour your heart and soul into but still end up failing miserably, confused and disoriented: Where to start? What to say? Who to say it to? How does it result in sales? What…am I doing? There are so many different websites, blogs and social media platforms it can seem impossible to wrap your wits around internet marketing at all, let alone come up with Continue Reading

Translated Into Russian

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I was contacted a couple months ago by a Russian management consultant who had somehow seen my article on Elon Musk. We got to talking and I was struck by the joie de vivre he exhibited in his life. Besides his work as a consultant specializing in re-engineering business processes for large companies and a full schedule competing in Mediterranean sailing regattas, he also is in charge of public outreach for an association of consultants in Moscow. He had read my article and wanted to know if he Continue Reading